Please join online 2021 Prakat din celebrations today at 5.30 PM EST
We have kids and adult programs, Live India temple Darshan , Virtual Palkhi , etc .
Shri. Gajanan Maharaj America Parivar – South Florida cordially invites you for a grand celebration of the upcoming ‘Prakat-din’ of Shri. Gajanan Maharaj on Saturday, March 2nd, 2024, from 9 am onwards, at Mauli Gurusthan, Shridi Sai Center, Lakeworth.
if you are interested in donate for food or flowers, please click below
Please join online 2021 Prakat din celebrations today at 5.30 PM EST We have kids and adult programs, Live India temple Darshan , Virtual Palkhi , etc .
Please RSVP@ Gajanan Maharaj America Parivar – South Florida, is cordially inviting you for a grand celebration of the upcoming 142nd ‘Prakat-din’ of Shri. Gajanan Maharaj on Saturday, February 15, 2020, from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm. at Sai Temple, 4761 Myrtle Dr, Lakeworth, FL, 33463
The highlights of Prakat din Celebrations are ‘Palakhi- Sohola’ (Procession) ‘Naamjap’ (Chanting) cultural activities for Maharaj and Mahaprasad. |